We’ve written before about ASC’s carpentry workshop but we thought we’d give you a little peek at a service user at work. Here’s Liam at work on a project he devised himself: a star-shaped planter.
One of the philosophies of Bob, who runs the workshop at the specialist care facility, is that service users take the initiative in deciding what to make. Bob helps and guides them with the design and production but as he rightly says: “It’s all about them and what they want to do.”
The workshop not only teaches valuable skills, it provides a relaxation space for service users. The one-on-one time and activity has a calming effect, says Bob – and it helps that he always has a cuppa and biscuits on hand.
Among the creations recently have been a clever bench which converts into a bench/table, pictured. ASC takes orders from its sister care facilities across the Balhousie Care Group, which boast everything from garden furniture to custom signage.