Residents of Alastrean House were over the moon this month when a team of local Brownies came to visit and spend some time together.
The inter-generational teaming up of both residents and Brownies resulted in a magically inspiring combination as they helped each other create colourful artwork inspired by Bonfire night. They also handmade card rockets which the kids and adults thoroughly enjoyed testing out by flying them across the dining room. The visit was topped off with a baking session where our residents and Brownies made yummy bonfire biscuits.
It was great to watch the kids and our residents enjoying each others company, learning from each other and creating new bonds while they worked away at the fun projects.
One particularly inspiring and special connection was made between Brownie Carly and Resident Iain, who both got on so well with each other that Carly decided to gift Iain her handmade firework picture.
Balhousie Alastrean residents can’t wait for to team up with their new Brownie friends again.