Alastrean - Young man and elder man on a sofa

We love a bit (lot!) of all-age fun at Balhousie Care Group.

And the benefits of intergenerational activities are well known. From friendship forming, developing a better understanding and empathy, building confidence, and even reducing blood pressure! But most of all, it’s just joyful, as these wonderful pictures from Balhousie Alastrean near Aboyne in Aberdeenshire show.

Archie came to Alastrean as part of his bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, and loved listening to Rod, Joan and Norma reminisce about their childhood during World War II. And they were more than happy to tell him about their experiences with rationing, what daily life was like, and how they played their part. On his way out he said he would be back to see them, either for his silver Duke of Edinburgh Award, or otherwise as a volunteer.

Residents also enoyed a visit from 7-year old Zayn, the son of a member of staff. He came in one day after school and enjoyed the afternoon playing on the fabulous not-so-tiny-tablets with some of the ladies. And they loved playing the online board games with him too.

Meanwhile, as Archie and Zayn were enjoying magic moments bridging the age gap, someone needed to man the fort – we love this picture of Stanley, having  busy day in the office!