The residents of Alastrean House have started their own wee monthly committee meetings. They had their first one back in February and really enjoy getting together to put the world to rights! With a little help from activities coordinator, Becks, they decide on the agendas and hot topics for discussions for the monthly get together’s!
Becks who sits in on the meetings and takes the minutes says “This is a great way for our residents to have their own say and stand up and be heard! They always have very interesting discussions and put forward new and exciting ideas for the home! It is so important for our residents to feel as ‘at home’ as possible therefore making their own choices and living their lives how they would like to is key ”
The residents have already made quite a few changes to the menu to suit their personal needs and have put forward some great ‘Oomph Wellness’ trip destinations which have been a great success!!
Our other residents who don’t fancy coming along to the meetings are always asked if they would like anything put forward in the meeting on their behalf and always receive a copy of the minutes afterwards too.
The Committee meetings are growing increasingly popular with our biggest turn out yet last month. The residents are looking forward to their next meeting next Tuesday the 7th of May!