June 2022
We are writing to thank you for your surprise visit to Balhousie Ruthven Towers care home last weekend. We know you have a great love for Scotland. So it did not entirely surprise us that you would choose a trip up here to bucolic, sunny Perthshire over a crowded Pall Mall and rain.
We were delighted beyond words – and by that we mean, some of us were literally speechless. Of course we have been making up for it ever since, chattering non-stop about the day the Queen came to tea.
Did you enjoy the scones, by the way? We hope so. (Nice to have a change from a marmalade sandwich!) Our kitchen staff’s nerves are still recovering after catering for the Queen. Whisper it, but we think we do baked goods better than they do down south. We definitely do parties better. We don’t like to point fingers, but… Rod Stewart singing Tom Jones? Really?
And did you like our lovely gardens? You know Alan Titchmarsh declared them “blooming marvellous” last year when he judged us winner of our Balhousie in Bloom competition? So you could say we’d already had royal approval – just of the TV gardening kind.
Anyway Your Majesty, we won’t keep you. We know how busy you are. We’re the same here, what with Balhousie Care Group’s 30th birthday celebrations, and then the Platinum Jubilee.
Thank you once more, from the bottom of our hearts. And thank you for your wonderful service to our country over seven amazing decades.
If you’re in the area again, be sure to look us up. We love any excuse for a cuppa, and a scone.
We have the honour to be, Madam,
The residents of Balhousie Ruthven Towers