At Clement Park staff and residents have been decorating resident’s zimmer frames and walking sticks with different coloured ribbon, stickers, lights and all things fancy. We are working hard to really personalise their walking aids in the hope that they will be able to identify and take ownership of their walking aid.
Residents often forget to use their frames when mobilising and we think it doesn’t help that they all look the same as they are all grey.
George one of our residents who was the first to take part in this project decorated his frame with tartan ribbon and football stickers. George is now very proud of his frame and makes sure he always has it with him and doesn’t let others use his frame.
Another one of our residents Pat didn’t recognise her own frame which lead to her using other residents frames which caused confusion, misplacement and time wasted spent looking for these. Now staff have spent time with Pat to find out what colours and patterns she would like we managed to decorate her frame with pink and white ribbon with lovely butterfly stickers. Pat really likes butterflies and so we believe this will really help her identify her frame. Recently since doing this Pat has rarely been found without her frame.
Our goal with this project is to see a reduced number in falls. As we are very early in our project we have not collected our data but as the weeks go by and more residents get involved we hope to see an improvement.