Kim Davidson, Team Leader at Balhousie Forth View, discovered a passion for care during Covid-19.
As an integral part of the team at Forth View’s brand-new Assessment Unit, Kim would never have believed she would have gone down the career path she has over the past four years.
“I worked in a care home for many years as a housekeeper – I think it was about 13 years,” says Kim. “When Covid happened, there was inevitably a lot of staff issues with sickness and things like that. One of the nurses convinced me to try care and, since they needed help, I gave it a go. It was quite daunting at first, but the shifts always went quickly. There was always something going on!”
And, as they say, the rest is history.
Kim became a Care Assistant, the progressed to Senior Carer before moving to Balhousie Forth View to be the Team Lead in the home’s specialised Assessment Unit.
The unit, which opened in November 2023, offers six-week placements for people initially, then supports residents on their next steps, whether that’s a permanent placement within Forth View or another care home provider moving into long-term care.
Since joining the Forth View team, Kim has been busy supporting residents during their time within the unit. “We have 15 beds and have been admitting a couple of people each week, so you’re getting to spend time with the residents and get to know them. I am involved in the whole resident journey, from checking people in, ensuring they are registered with the correct GP, to building care plans and helping them with their next steps.”
Since opening last year, the unit has been a much-needed option for the local hospitals with patients who require further assessment to support with delayed discharges. Currently the new assessment unit is full, something that Kim is very proud of.
“A lot of people haven’t been within a care home before, so having the Assessment Unit is an opportunity for people to see what a care environment is like. A number of the people that have been admitted so far have progressed on to long term care here.”
After an unusual route into care, Kim now wouldn’t have it any other way. “There’s not many positives to come out of the pandemic, but me discovering care was one of them. It’s just madness some days, but I do enjoy it. I do find myself going into the laundry room here and feeling quite at home, but I prefer the care side for me!”
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