The staff and service users of ASC dug out their finest pink outfits as part of their month-long fundraiser for Breast Cancer Now. 

They donned the colour as part of a month of events to highlight the organisation.

August is the charity’s awareness month, and Laura McKechnie, Support Worker, has been busy organising events to raise funds.

“All our staff and service users had a great time picking out their favourite pink outfits for Wear it Pink Day,” Laura said.

“We love doing our bit to raise awareness for great causes. Breast cancer affects many of our staff and residents across ASC and Balhousie, so it’s a really worthwhile cause.

“It’s been a fantastic month of fundraising, and we’re really looking forwarding to rounding it off in style with our afternoon tea next week.”

Donation boxes have been in place at ASC and Balhousie head office, and the events aren’t done yet – an Alice in Wonderland-themed afternoon tea is planned for August 31!

To find out how you can support Breast Cancer Now, visit their website.